

Collaboration, availability and timeliness

The Partner relationship: a marriage based on collaboration, availability and timeliness of OXero and based on warranty for the Partner to operate in full autonomy and freedom (even directly on the source code).

Collaboration, Availability and Timeliness are not enough if basically Partners is not fully Independent and Free to be able to act at any time according to their own development strategies.

That's why OXero not only provide and integrate flexible easy to use and self explanatory (making it possible to "customize" their analysis and characterize its solution), but guarantee full freedom of action by providing the source code.

In an apparently simple and certainly generalized field, whenever you have to create a decision support system the variables are many and many and require focus and specialization that we believe can only come through collaboration between those of us who is the expert in technology and in support research information and who is the data and the computational models specialist, the Partner!

In more than ten years of work OXero has based its activity on Reliability and Trust with its partners which has always provided the most complete collaboration showing the maximum Availability and Timeliness.

With this requirement OXero cooperates with primary companies to guarantee high profile expertise.


The main activity of the group is aimed at creating generalized software products, directional products and core business software for large users (banks, tax collection Dealers, Agencies ...).


Elsag Datamat

Elsag Datamat is the Finmeccanica center of excellence in the design and production of systems, services and solutions for the automation, security, transport, space and information technology.

Born from the integration of Elsag and Datamat in 2007, Elsag Datamat is part of Finmeccanica Group, one of the largest industrial groups in the world.


Af Soluzioni

AF SOLUTIONS is a point of reference on issues relating to the e-procurement management and collaboration with suppliers and customers via Web.



PROMETEIA is a leading provider of systems and high-level consulting in Risk Management and Asset Liability Management.

It’s one of the leading consulting company in Italy with 300 professionals (consultants, financial engineers, statisticians, economists, etc.) providing risk management services, business consulting, IT systems, outsourcing and training to leading financial institutions, industrial enterprises and public institutions.



AUBAY Research & Technologies, formed by professionals with years of experience in the areas of management consulting, IT consulting and systems integration, is a Company specialized in providing solutions and IT services.


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Why OXero

  • A Decision Support System All in One
  • The OXero success keys
  • We facilitate the understanding of your data
  • OXero is in your shoes - Respect for the choices of our customer is the basis of our choices
  • We create high technological solutions and services

+ info


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


Get in touch


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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