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Wednesday, 08 June 2016 11:50

D&I Release 6.0

D&I: new release 6.0 integrated with R-Studio and Bonita BPM

Sunday, 01 January 2017 00:00

Nuova sede Operativa Roma

Dal 1° Gennaio siamo a Roma in P.le Don Luigi Sturzo 15.

Friday, 15 January 2010 00:00


BancoPosta: chose the platform D&I for the Navigation, Diagnostic and Reporting PUMA2.

Monday, 01 June 2009 07:34


The banksserved by ICCREA ISIS and publish the information to the public with reports Pillar3 products with PumaD&I..

Thursday, 01 March 2007 07:33

2000 user per day

Every dayan average of 2,000 users using our solutions based on the platform D&I. Exceeds 10,000 the total number of users of D&I.

Sunday, 28 July 2013 08:17


Projects funded by the European Community

Over the years we have been engaged in several projects funded by the European Community, in which clothe the role of leader in data representation and in the interchange of same between heterogeneous systems using XML technology.


Intangible Cultural Heritage for the Reconstruction of Historical Memory of the Territory.

Genòmena Project has as the objective to create and test an information system that, from the classification of intangible assets of demographic and anthropological nature, allowing to reconstruct the historical memory of a territory and make it accessible on internet for information, training and tourism.

The system is able to activate processes of e-learning to generate new remote management skills, to meet new training needs, supported by information technology, specialized in organizing events enhancement of intangible cultural heritage.




Collaboratory for Annotation, Indexing and Retrieval of Digitizad Historical Material [V framework - Key Action III]

COLLATE aims to design and develop complex services in support of cultural heritage, which is used by the archives, researchers and end-users working with digital material historical / cultural.

The infrastructure is designed based on XML protocol and uses RDF (Resource Description Framework) for the representation of the resources managed by the whole framework.

Download: Collate Project Final Report


eCommerce with Guided Agents Based on Personalized Interaction Tools [V framework - Key Action II]

The project aims to improve the relationship between consumer and supplier in future interfaces of e-commerce madiante the use of "intelligent agents" which can converse with users in written natural language ("chatterbots").

The goal of the project was to Cogito development of intelligent agents to support e-commerce services led to the knowledge of user profiles. The infrastructure is designed entirely based on XML protocol.



Trade FAIR Web-based Information Services [V framework - Key Action II]

FAIRWIS project aims to provide innovative services for online activities in the field of virtual trade fairs, to improve the efficiency of European SMEs and facilitate job creation.

The infrastructure is very advanced because is designed based on 3D navigational models and personalization services.

Sunday, 28 July 2013 07:05

OXero Values

Our strengths


Through consulting services we are able to help our clients define the exact goals they wish to achieve with our business intelligence solutions and invest only in instruments and useful solutions to their decisions. Our consulting activities are of two types:

  • Analytics

    With the customer we analyse business requirements, business objectives it wants to achieve, and in what areas of the company are the data that can, if properly treated, transformed into strategic information.

  • Functional
    Once defined the goals, we help you to design the best solution to transform the data, now known in all their characteristics, into strategic information.

    All our customers can count on our support in particular:
    • Defining the “logical” Data Model
    • Identification of the Elements "Critics"
      The study of the types of analysis, of the “critical” paths, of the the user "main interest" requests are some of the issues related to DSS (Decision Support System) which affect the modeling choices of the solution and the physical database.
    • Defining the Data Model "Body"
    • Identification of a simple and flexible tool
    • "Mapping" of the database physical / logical tool in the Data Dictionary
    • Report Definition
    • Architecture Planning Application - according to the standard J2EE


Training is what makes our clients free. Therefore, it is an integral part of our offer and is one of our strengths and differentiation. All our customers can count on our team of teachers, in particular on:

  • Data Modelling
  • Architecture Design according to Standard J2EE Application
  • Using Our Solutions


Our vision requires us to invest substantial resources in research, so as to guarantee us an innovative and highly advanced. The experience of the projects IST (Information Society Technologies) program, funded by the European Union, has given a strong impetus to the convergence between research and industrial applications.

The research areas in which we operate are:

  • Knowledge Discovery
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Semantic Web
  • User Profiling e Clustering

In these areas, we have developed the skills to manage systems and rules, decision trees, etc.. using the development platform based on the Java language. At the moment our efforts are focused on developing solutions for metadata management, deepening the wide range of concepts and issues that go under the name of Semantic Web, the representation of resources and how to integrate the different information sources . In this regard, are developing web-based framework for the management of resources expressed in RDF.

Intelligent agents dialoguing

Much more ambitious goals are foreseen for the implementation of innovative tools such as the technology of intelligent agents to support the web: each web service (entertainment, banking, in support of training) will be equipped with agents that simulate human presence and are able to help the navigator interacting with it in natural language.

We have signed a strategic agreement with a leading German Information Technology to bring the Italian market the technology of "intelligent agents dialoguing".

Sunday, 28 July 2013 06:24


For any functional context

The Business Intelligence solutions - built using the platform D & I - can be safely applied in any functional context. Thanks to our expertise and knowledge we have developed application solutions, in particular in the banking sector, in the following areas:

  • Regulatory Reporting
    In collaboration with Elsag SpA, a Finmeccanica company, we have made available the platform D & I to form the solution PumaD & I applied to the data of supervisory reports of Elsag allows - sailing the input information and in those of the output array to carry out analyzes on all the elements that qualify the basic information (voice, softly, amount, quantity, phenomenon, hazard class, ...), or allowing a reconciliation to the generation system (report, ndg, technical form, .. .).

    Brochures PumaD&I: the new module of Reporting & Analysis applied to the Regulatory Reporting

    Technical Annex PumaD&I: Technical Annex-functional defining the characteristics of the product PumaD & I

  • Management Control
    The platform D & I applied to management control enables you to navigate through analysis free in the archives of the control systems and to manage all the information about the product / customer centers of responsibility and budget of any nature (statistics, balance sheet, etc.).. D & I may also be used as a tool to investigate anomalous behavior of the centers of responsibility, customers (customer segments), and to define corrective actions or oriented development.
  • Risk Management
    The platform D & I applied to the area of ​​credit risk allows the definition, execution and visualization of multidimensional analysis, according pathways identified in an independent and free and the generation of reports related to the same analyzes (in Internet or client - server).
  • Central Risk
    The platform D & I applied to the Central Credit allows the management of all the information reported for each name according to the Top Down approach - typical of central functions and services - and Bottom Up - typical of the functions that analyze each position or set of positions.
  • Rating Calculation
    The solution for calculating the rating consists of two main modules, the first dedicated to data entry of counterparties for which to calculate the rating, the second for the execution and presentation of the report of the rating calculation. The system is fed manually by the user with a simplified data entry, while the rating calculation is based on Excel template developed by San Paolo IMI for the generation of the score and subsequent conversion into rating classes.

    The models implemented for the San Paolo IMI are related to groups of clients:

    • corporate italy
    • large corporate italy
    • large foreign corporate
    • foreign corporate
    • municipality
    • trust
    • banks
  • Anti Money Laundering

    The solution of Elsag platform based on D & I and 'an open, multilingual, flexible, modular and implements several modules with the aim of offering the bank a strategic tool for the prevention, detection and management of "anti-money laundering events."

    The main modules that make up the solution are the following:

    • KYC (Know Your Customer)
    • Operation Monitoring
    • Real Time Filtering
    • On Line Management
    • Reporting
    • Alert Management

    Technical Annex AML D&I: Technical Annex-functional defining the characteristics of the product AML D & I

  • IAS

    The new solution based on the platform of Sydema D & I aims to consolidate and harmonize the whole wealth of information present in the procedure IAS CREDIT (used for analytical evaluation of non-performing loans). IAS CREDIT Analysis & Reporting is a fundamental support to process, analyze and evaluate the information assets IAS, in order to make decisions and strategies for the successful and timely preparation of financial statements.

    The proposed solution to the market is highly innovative in terms of technology and builds on the experience gained in the construction of the well-established procedure for the analytical evaluation of non-performing loans IAS CREDIT

  • Data Masking
Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:32

Demo Area

Contact us for access to a demo

To be informed on the Oxero solutions simply fill out the form below; you’ll receive to your e-mail address a link to access to our demo area.

In any case, you can ask for a on-site demo or for an online demo assisted by one of our experts or even the free realization of a prototype. For any information contact us!

Send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:12

Value Added Modules

D&I Data Entry

All the data managed into the Data Base or all the External Datasaved into the DataMart/DataWareHouse and mapped into the Data Dictionary can be modified, added or deleted using this Module. The Module is also responsible of the Correctness of the Data here managed.

It consists in two main functionalities:

  • the first one has used by the Administrator who define the “data entry guide card“ that will contain Data and Rules to be showed and/or modified (only the data included in this format will be changed by the authorized users);
  • the second one has used by the authorized users to put or modify or delete the data included into the “data entry guide card”.

D&I Quality Data System

It is the system necessary for the verification of the consistency of information stored respect to those described in the D&I Data Dictionary ! The system allows you to check the consistency of the data, to verify the correct nature, size, properly map to belonging domains, the presence of invalid or insignificant information, the absence of necessary information, the possible inconsistency of the logical and physical relationship keys between multiple entities, and so on.

The correctness of the data stored into the Data Base is the main problem that you have to control if you want to be sure of the reliability of the results of your analysis!

D&I Data Schedule & Broadcast System

Using the D&I Data Schedule module all the analysis reports (defined using the Smart Reporting System or the Full Report System) can be scheduled to be processed in batch mode (base on a list of scheduler events) … and, of course, the results of these executions can be exported and distributed (D&I Broadcasting System) using the most common way (email, path shared, …).

D&I MultiDimentional DataBase Generation System

It’s the system by which D & I allows to manage virtual cubes so as to ensure the typical performance of a multidimensional system (OLAP) despite the use of a relational DBMS, therefore without incurring the typical problems of management (loading times / generation very high and huge memory occupation) arising from the use of multidimensional DBMS (cubes).

With this Module the Administrator can generate automatically all the redundancy of the data that he needs (Aggregate Plans) … grouping each kind of information for all combination of dimensions.

To perform the time response of the Analysis and Reports the “Full Reporting System” and the “Smart Reporting System” can manage Data Redundancy ! It’s means that in the same Data Base you can find the same Information one time fully ungrouped and other times grouped for one or more Dimension … and all the Data Redundancy are managed into the same relational Data Base.

NO Multidimensional Data Base is required!
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Why OXero

  • A Decision Support System All in One
  • The OXero success keys
  • We facilitate the understanding of your data
  • OXero is in your shoes - Respect for the choices of our customer is the basis of our choices
  • We create high technological solutions and services

+ info


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


Get in touch


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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